
At Smart Technologies, we also offer a Managed Network and Guest Wi-Fi service in Malta, whereby we assume responsibility for all the maintenance, troubleshooting, security, and general upkeep of your organisation’s WiFi service, taking that burden off the shoulders of your IT team. This means that your employees, guests, and visitors can enjoy safe, reliable, and fast WiFi all the time. We also provide a customised service whereby our team of engineers will regularly review the performance of your enterprise network, including network coverage and broadband speed, and provide seamless, efficient support to tackle any glitches, thus enabling your network to operate at optimal levels at all times.
There are multiple benefits in letting us manage your network and Guest Wifi setup. To start with, when you factor in the time your IT team spends maintaining your WiFi connection, managed WiFi is usually a much better deal. Furthermore, managing and troubleshooting WiFi connections might not be your IT team’s area of expertise, so it could take them longer to resolve issues compared to our cybersecurity professionals. As part of our service, you can tap into the expertise of our support team for a fraction of the cost necessary to hire someone with that skill set full-time.
With our Managed Network and WiFi service, we will be responsible for keeping your network up and running. And if something does go wrong, you can count on our certified technicians to deal with troubleshooting. Safety and security is a primary area of focus of our Managed Network and Guest WiFi service in Malta. By engaging us, you will also be tapping into the latest technology to keep your organisation’s connections secure. Moreover, this service is totally scalable and adaptable to your business requirements, both in terms of growth, or needs pertaining to specific areas of your operations. Our collection of usage and performance data also means that you can gauge the utilisation and effectiveness of your network.


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